This in-depth prenatal yoga teacher training (in English) will dive into the herstory of yoga, woman-centered yoga and how to facilitate wholesome, safe prenatal yoga classes. This training will give you insights into a more feminine approach to yoga which can be integrated in other styles of yoga too, whilst guiding you to teach pregnant women in confidence.
We’ll explore pregnancy and childbirth physiology, the nervous system, prenatal and perinatal psychology, womb yoga, goddess work, sound healing, tantra, pleasure and confidence as a teacher holding space for women in such a transformative time of their lives. All this mixed with sequencing, spaceholding and how to create a prenatal yoga class in a blend of theory lectures, circle sharing and practical learning. Each weekend you will receive inspirational practice examples of prenatal yoga classes & you will be teaching and sharing your knowledge with each other from the first weekend onwards.
What you will learn
How to use props in a prenatal yoga class
Restorative yoga for pregnancy
Mantra & sound
Sequencing prenatal yoga classes
Yogic tools for birth
Pregnancy & birth language
To understand physiological & psychological pregnancy and birth
The anatomy of the pelvis, pelvic bowl (floor) & pelvic organs
About back or pelvic problems & other common physical challenges in pregnancy and how to support
How to support bodily autonomy
Herstory & and why we understand birth as we do today
How to use the knowledge of chakras & elements in prenatal yoga
About tantra and the 10 wisdom goddesses
The basic understanding of the nervous system and how to apply this knowledge in preparing for birth and life
Space-holding and ceremony for women in different cycles of life
How to teach yoga and hold spaces with a woman-centered approach

Why should I take this training?
Teaching prenatal yoga is a beautiful way to support women in one of the most intense times of their lives. This rite of passage is a death of who they were and a rebirth of who they are becoming, as mothers. When holding this space we can support women in their bodily autonomy, supporting them to be prepared for birth and beyond.
There is still a need for more healing of the sisterhood wounds and birth and pregnancy is such a clear representation of how women are treated nowadays and historically. As prenatal yoga teachers we are here to lift women up and to support them in trusting what they already know. In every cell in our body, we already know how to carry a child, birth it and mother it! We often just need the community and support around us to trust and surrender to our instinctual wisdom. When we begin the journey to heal these wounds and share the secrets of ecstatic birth, autonomous birth, and birth as more than pain and challenge both mothers and babies are born more gently into this world.
We will be meeting in circles, sharing our own stories, belief systems, and conditionings to understand what we bring with us in our space-holding. In this space, we are teachers and students together!
Who would benefit from this training?
This training is for yoga teachers. Whether you are self-taught or hold certification is to me not important. It is important that you understand the basics of yoga as a whole (asana, meditation, pranayama etc) for this training to benefit you in your teachings and self practice.
Are interested in women’s yoga & pregnancy or how to support women in yoga.
Understand that we need change in the way we approach women and pregnancy in yoga.
Are a yoga teacher (your own definition).
Believe (or would like to embody) that we are here together and there is a space for all of us.
Are ready to dedicate time and work to your studies in between modules.
Are ready to surrender into your Shakti of all that you are.
Want to dive deep into your own healing journey of the sisterhood wounds and your own relationship with the divine feminine.

Course Structure
WEEKEND 1 | APR 11,12 & 13
Women-centered Yoga & Pregnancy
Pregnancy & Physiological Birth
WEEKEND 2 | MAY 9 - 10
Nervous system, Hormones, Pelvis & Pleasure​
WEEKEND 3 | MAY 30, 31 & JUNE 1
Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Sound
WEEKEND 4 | JUNE 20 - 21
Space-holding, Rite of Passage & Ceremony
Fridays 10 - 16 | Saturdays 12 - 20 | Sundays 10 - 16

Ida Kilias
Ida Kilias is a yoga teacher and a birth keeper and holds more than 1000 hours of training within yoga and yoga therapy. Moreover she has trained with some amazing teachers to protect birth and continuously educate herself within the pregnancy, birth and postpartum field. She has educated prenatal yoga teachers for the past 3 years, has written research articles on the topic of emotional pregnancy, and shares women’s yoga, prenatal yoga and postnatal yoga in Copenhagen.
Plus special guests
11.500 DKK
*Does not include accommodation or food. Only practical classes & teaching material.
3.500 kr required as a non-refundable deposit.