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Tessa Boucher


Describe your classes in 3 words

Calm, Reconnected, Energised


What is your story with Yoga?

It’s been a long journey of self discovery and transformation. I started yoga to feel my body more intensely with strength building and stretching but was given a much deeper gift of going inwards and opening up parts of myself I didn’t know existed. This allowed me to use yoga as a tool to heal and move forward from trauma that was holding me back. So yes, it gave me strength and flexibility but also so much more. Yoga gave me courage, empowerment and the ability to be present. With yoga, there are no limits; you’re forever evolving with this practice. I take pride in sharing this gift that was given to me with my students as it’s such a beautiful journey!


Tell us 3 things we need to know about you!
1. I come from a tiny town on an island in the Atlantic East Coast of Canada.

2. I’ve worked as a professional hairdresser for over a decade.

3. I am a Cape Breton step dancer - a specific style of dance that was brought over from Scotland to the island I’m from.


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received? 

To never let the fear of judgment get in your way of self expression


What influences your style of teaching?

My biggest influence would be Ashtanga and Rocket Vinyasa. Also, I feel that since my move to Copenhagen I’ve been influenced by the many amazing teachers here, our beautiful Faye being one of them!


What does your perfect Sunday look like?

A relaxing day of no plans and letting things unfold on there own, taking it slow and steady. Perhaps involving a nature walk, cuddles with my fur baby (and soon real baby) and some yummy food mmm maybe a Sunday brunch! Gotta love a good brunch.


What’s your favourite snack or food?

Tough question. I have a major sweet tooth so anything chocolaty or a freshly baked good of sorts (kanelsnegl yum!) .. for my salty craving, french fries. Oh yes, and maple baked beans with brown bread, a back home favourite.

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