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Colette Alderson


Describe your classes in 3 words

More self-belief â€‹


What is your story with Yoga?


There was a multitude of things that led me on the path of yoga but the main one was that I was dealing with a broken heart and decided to do things differently this time. I threw myself into the yoga studio and into my own mind. It was pretty intense and I would leave the studio and just break down, but it honestly helped me get through my break up and really deal with a lot of other things I didn’t even realise I had been avoiding. I decided to become a teacher after my experience because if I can help just one person to feel better within themselves then it is worth it. 


Tell us 3 things we need to know about you!

  • I can’t whistle

  • I have 15 tattoos

  • I still think there is a chance that Hogwarts will send me a letter to tell me I’m a witch


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received? 

I loved Roald Dahl as a child and something that has always stuck with me is a quote from him ‘those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.’ I think this has been the one saying that has stuck with me throughout my life.


What influences your style of teaching?

Everything! Nature, my own state of mind, a conversation with a stranger, my students, books – I like to draw upon anything that personally had an affect on me within my own teaching.


What are you trained in?

Ashtanga-Vinyasa & Yin


Where are you from?

Manchester, UK


What does your perfect Sunday look like?

Depending if I’ve been out on Saturday night… but I like to spend Sunday cooking and seeing friends. If I was back at home it would include all day sofa snuggles with my family dog and a Sunday roast.


What’s your favourite snack?

It’s hard to pick between olives and crisps… 


What do you do for self-care?

DANCE! Just put on music and have a good old boogie. I think it’s really important to have fun with yourself and not take things seriously. Cooking is also therapeutic for me.

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