Bella Neergaard
Describe your classes in 3 words
Vulnerable, Idiosyncratic, Healing
What is your story with Yoga?
Yoga has been an essential part of my journey to self-love in order to heal from past trauma. My practice enables me to be more in tune with the home that is my own body. For me, yoga is homecoming.
Tell us 3 things we don't know about you!
I studied Latin for 9 years.
I play the bass guitar.
I sometimes perform stand-up comedy.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
“The longest relationship you’ll ever have is the relationship with yourself.”
What influences your style of teaching?
Funnily enough, a lot of Beyonce’s live-shows. She just has this way of taking up space that is so empowering. Her performances are completely multi-faceted: she is loud and empowering, yet also incredibly raw.

Where are you from?
I am Danish-Nigerian (with some Irish in there!)
What are you trained in?
Ashtanga Vinyasa 200hr - Iluma Yoga School
What does your perfect Sunday look like?
Go to the sauna and make myself a homemade body scrub. Wash and deep condition my hair. Order in Vietnamese food. Journal a bit.
What’s your favourite snack?
Ostepops (cheese balls)​
What do you do for self-care?
I like to go to a Danish grillbar and then have a massive cry.