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White Sands

200 hour teacher training

Ashtanga Vinyasa

3 - 24 April 2021

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This 200 hour teacher training is a deeply intensive 20 day offering, designed to immerse you into the foundational wisdom of becoming confident teachers of yoga. Join us on this deeply transformational journey of Sadhana, the passage of spirit to the higher Self. Honouring the established system of Ashtanga yoga, this course is the perfect blend counter-balancing tradition with the creative flow style of Vinyasa yoga. We will be sharpening our senses and diving deep into spirit, filling the cup of knowledge of what it takes to be a great space holder, how to teach yoga as a holistic experience and inspire students in our community.

We are here to train confident, magical, poetic and knowledgable teachers in the yoga community: empowered voices spreading the light of yoga around the world. What you bring to the table is the most important tool, the greatest teacher is you and we want you to bring your individuality and ideas whilst developing your own personal teaching style and voice. In our beautiful Sangha, community, we experience the extraordinary sense of connection and trust the process of practice and dedication, together.

This is just the beginning,




The Experience


I long to merge with you,

Be filled with your nourishing essence.

Lead me into joyous union,

With the life of the universe,

That I may know it fully,

Realise it deeply,

And breathe in luminous truth. 

Radiance Sutras, verse 22-23

  • Spend 21 nights on our 275 acre coastal farm, just a 15 minutes drive from Praia do Malhão's sandy beaches.

  • Eat delicious farm-to-table food 3x a day.

  • Practice yoga in both the indoor and outdoor shalas

  • Live in beautiful, plush white rooms in the comfiest of beds and listen to the sounds of the peacocks waking you up.

  • Live amongst our circus of two + four legged friends:
    sheep, goats, peacocks + chickens.

  • Take part in cacao ceremonies, drinking in this heart medicine and dancing as the sun rises.

  • Skinny-dip in our pristine, freshwater lake between classes.

  • Help us collect eggs from our crazy chickens or simply daydream in our oversized hammocks.

  • Learn how to hold space, become the story-teller and the sequence weaver of being a yoga teacher.

  • Come away confident and creative in your words and presence as you find your authentic flow.

  • Grab one of the bicycles to explore the surroundings.

  • Drink chai post-dinner whilst we discuss matters of the heart and of ancient wisdom in evening Satsangs

  • Sing medicine songs and learn mantras with instruments to take home for your future teachings

  • Learn how to teach yoga as a business

  • A safe, compassionate learning environment whilst also gently taking you out of comfort zones

  • Learn to teach and practice asana in the way of traditional ashtanga, ready for your own style of vinyasa

  • Be ready to see what is beyond asana

  • Dive into creativity through teaching methodology, theme weaving & new use of your voice

  • Become empowered and confident in holding the room

  • Grow your personal development with workshops on self-love & speech empowerment

  • Get technical with alignment and assisting

  • Become comfortable through the important art of touch, and learn hands-on-adjustments for students

  • Take on new approaches to meditation and pranayama, from the basics to the intriguing

  • Geek out in functional anatomy classes, and learn about ALL the bodies is by using our group's various shapes and sizes

  • Explore modifications and variations of asanas

  • Take your personal practice to the next level

  • Personally explore a subtler and deeper sense of awareness

  • Live in your new Sangha, our community, in paradise 

  • Even if you don't want to become a teacher but are ready to commit to this 21 day intensive, this is also for you!


The Physical

Meditation, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Mantra, Chanting, Kriya

The biggest section of the training, starting each day with sunrise gatherings in meditation/ pranayama/mantras followed by a two-hour dynamic and challenging asana practice in either vinyasa or ashtanga (alternating days).

Some evenings will end in another asana practice but balancing the heat with a cooling yin or restorative yoga.

The Art of

The Technical

Alignment, adjustment, ​technique, posture clinics, sequencing, demoing, tone, rhythm of class

The technical side, learning the above in workshop style classes. Discussing postures, learning how to approach the pose in its variations and basic alignment of the pose. In posture clinic we break down some trickier postures such as inversions, arm balances and advanced postures.

We play with adjusting each other, building confidence to touch students and move them in a way that feel safe and secure for their needs.

Workshop classes in groups to play with sequencing and creating the tone and rhythm of a class.

The Art of

The Space Holder

Methodology, Empowerment, Voice, Becoming the Wordsmith, Space Holding, Ceremony

This section is what makes us unique, we are dedicating lots of time for you as an individual to grow into your ​own space as a leader and new teacher. Discovering your confident voice, getting out of those comfort zones, stepping into your power and owning the room. 

Workshop style classes on language, writing, creative linguistics, how to inspire students through holding powerful space: all the deep delicious stuff happens right here.

We will also host lectures on Yoga as a Business.

The Body

Biomechanics, Physical Anatomy, Energetics

In-depth, hands-on lectures understanding the actual biomechanics of the body. The focus will be on creating a deep knowledge in what's physically happening in the body during movements, injuries and the stresses of life. To remember what we learn we have to feel it, so expect this to be equally physical and theoretic. We will be using our group to show what happens on real people with real bodies.

Here we dive into the human anatomy as well as the intricate area of energy: prana, chakras, nadis and bandhas.

Depth: Applied Anatomy

Sample Schedule

This training takes place over 21 intensive days. During this time we will have some half days off to enjoy the beach, explore the nearest towns, or to read and rest. This schedule below is just a sample, each day my slightly vary and on alternating evenings we have gatherings such as satsang (conversations of spirit) or some surprises in store.

06.45 - 07.30            Sunrise, The Practice: meditation, pranayama or mantra

07.30 - 09.30           The Practice: Vinyasa or Ashtanga

09.30 - 11.00           Breakfast

11.00 - 13.00           Depth: Philosophy or Anatomy

13.00 - 14.30           Lunch

14.30 - 16.30           Art of Practice: technical, adjustment / Art of Teaching: methodology

16.30 - 17.00           Break

17.00 - 18.00           Art of Teaching: methodology, empowerment, space holding, ceremony, the wordsmith

18.00 - 19.00           The Practice: Yin or Restorative / Art of Practice: Posture clinic

19.00 - 20.00           Dinner

20.00+                     Evening gatherings: satsang or surprise sessions / Free time

The Self

Yoga Philosophy, Ethics, Traditional Texts to Modern works of the Mind

Cultivating a foundation in Yogic Philosophy, applying ancient wisdom with a modern approach. We will take an in-depth look into Patanjal's eight-fold path, looking at concrete ways of applying this to our own existence. With classes on traditional texts such as the Bhagavad Gita and the Sutras, we ask how can we relate these teachings to our own practice and personal development. Dive into the stories of deities, gods and goddesses: who is Shiva? What does Ganesh have do with us? Studying ethics, we will see how we can apply these teachings into becoming the teacher, and what it means to be a safe and supporting guide in our communities as well as covering spiritual bypassing, cultural appropriation and decolonising your practice.

Depth: Philosophy & Ethics

The Work

Teaching, Video feedbacks, Exams, Shaking off the Nerves

From day 1 we start to use our voice and teach our peers, simple challenges such as leading chanting an OM or leading a Sun Salutation, all the way to hosting a final 60 minute class.

We get it, its scary getting up in-front of your peers let alone a group of strangers to teach, but you got this!


Southwest Portugal

We are located in the coastal Alentejo region. Also known as The Costa Vicentina, much of the Southwest coast of Portugal is protected by a natural reserve. This means that development stays constrained, with traditional architecture + small farms dotting the land. The nearest town to us is the charming Vila Nova de Milfontes.

The Vicentine Coast Natural Park runs about 100 km down the coast. The preserved nature has a strong + wild character here, creating landscapes of breathtaking majesty. The coast is ideal for swimming, surfing, and world-class hiking along the gorgeous sandstone bluffs.


We believe that a nourishing meal and a delicious feast don’t need to be exclusive of one another. The food is local, with most of the produce coming from either
our property or a nearby farm.


From a sustainability standpoint, we choose not to serve red meat. We do serve eggs from our chickens, locals cheeses, and occasionally wild-caught Atlantic fish. A typical breakfast includes eggs, local fruit, Greek yogurt, homemade granola, local honey, homemade jam, slow-rise bread.


Lunch is often a bowl; a base of ancient grains like farro, topped with avocado, roasted veggies, nori, or mixed greens. For dinner, expect Indian + Japanese curries, Mediterranean stews, legumes, rice, salad and dessert. We also have an outdoor, wood-fired pizza oven :)

Our Home

Clean + elegant rooms, each opens to an outdoor courtyard.  Each room has two single beds, that can be situated well for snugglers or snorers.  8 of the rooms have en-suite bathrooms, while the remaining three rooms share a bathroom. 4 of our rooms can be converted into triples. 

The experience at your home for the training is woven into the deep respect of the land. Hop on one of the bicycles to explore the coastline, or recreate the wonderment of childhood staying up late stargazing or telling secrets in the tipi. Help to collect the colourful eggs each morning from the crazy chickens, or simply enjoy the meals that are sourced locally from neighbouring farms. The water comes from our very own spring, and it’s heated with solar panels.

Practice Spaces

The indoor shala (pictured here) is light filled and has enough windows and doors for the air to circulate freely. The floor is hand-made traditional Portuguese Santa Catarina tiles, which are both beautiful and a joy to practice on.

The outdoor shala has wood floors, and is shaded by a handful of old-growth pines. The outdoor shala has no walls, and is a 3-5 minute walk from the house. It’s especially wonderful for morning practice, as the fog rolls in.

The Space



  • 21 nights of luxurious accomodation

  • Three meals a day plus snacks, water, tea and coffee

  • Tuition for 200 hours training

  • In-depth training manual 

  • Booklet of medicine song and mantras

  • One-on-one sessions with one of the faculty throughout the training

  • Support and post-training mentorship

  • Special surprises along the way!


  • Travel

  • Insurance

  • Airport transfer


Faye Baldwin

Faye (Wildest Yoga) is currently based in Copenhagen running her studio Iluma Yoga & eating too many of the cinnamon buns the city has to offer. Half Singaporean, a large portion of her time each year is spent traveling around the world , exploring new places on small budgets and diving in to the local cultures.


Expect laughs & bliss in her light-hearted yoga classes, where she will help you to find the internal and external balance of sweetness and intensity. Here we expand together and illuminate as one. Her offerings weaves together her various trainings in Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Rocket, Mandala vinyasa, Ceremony holding and Embodied Yin.

She is most passionate about blending creative vinyasa teamed with delicious music, and sharing knowledge of ceremony, sound and mantra. Finding yoga first through meditation at the age of 16, Faye is dedicated to offering work on both the inner as well as the outer Self.

With 950+ hours of training, she felt something was missing from YTTs: new teachers unsure of their voice & unconfident in their offerings. Faye's passion is creating self-assured, positive teachers in their teaching and hosting space. A lot of sweetness is on offer here, surprises await...!

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Nanna Hoffman

Nanna's story with Yoga can actually be summed up to one sentence she heard in a podcast years ago: "The work that heals you, is the work you end up doing in the world". Just like that, Yoga was it for Nanna and it continues to heal and guide her home every single day.


Till this day she's still amazed to end up coming home to her heart whether it's through a practice of breathing, movement or stillness. As a teacher that's where she's coming from. She truly has faith in the practice and what it capable of doing. Not just for herself but also for her students. In her teachings you will find that there's an infinite trust in how amazing you already are. She truly believes that you are perfect right now and believes that Yoga is just there to help you see it yourself. 

A certified Physical Therapist graduated from VIA University College in Aarhus in 2019, we will be  geeking out together in anatomy classes as well as some of The Practice (ashtanga queen!) and philosophical talks.


Her passion shines through empowerment and creative language, these beautiful workshops in The Art of Teaching are full of magic.

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This is not a retreat, there will be long days with plenty of study and homework as well as challenging practices. This is not to scare you off especially if you think you are quite a 'beginner', (we all were!) but for this to be a transformational experience, the work needs to be done even before joining us on this journey:

You will be required:

  • To have an asana practice minimum twice a week, preferably three times a week to build up your stamina, strength and also determination for practising twice a day.

  • Remember this is primarily a Vinyasa training, so it is good for you to grasp the foundation of a vinyasa practice, as well as other practices you enjoy.

  • This training is also based on the tradition of Ashtanga Yoga, it would be beneficial for you to attend a few led-primary Ashtanga classes and get familiar with the primary sequence (you can google the print out sheet for this.)

  • Students will be asked to document the last 20 classes taken leading up to the training, documenting the date, the style of class and getting the teacher to sign - please try a variety of styles, not solely vinyasa

  • More importantly we would love for you to breakdown your favourite 3 vinyasa classes, what you enjoyed about the class, the type of language the teacher used, the music, details of breathwork/meditation in the class, the atmosphere created. Why did you love it? How were you inspired?

  • Start a journal - minimum 1 month of entries before the training. How are you feeling about the beginning of this journey?

  • Bring an open-minded, positive attitude! Our community is created through authenticity and individuality to make us whole. Take what you need from this course, and be open to learn.

Reading List

Below are two reading lists. Make sure to read the essential as we will be discussing them in lectures, bringing them either in physical form or as an e-book is required to refer to in class. The second list is not essential BUT, these are incredible works of art, either for language or to melt the mind with wisdom. We highly recommend reading these, perhaps bringing them to read on the beach.


  • The Great Work of your Life - Stephen Cope

    • A book breaking down the traditional Bhagavad Gita into more relatable, modern stories.

  • The Eight Limbs of Yoga, Pathway to Liberation - Bhava Ram

    • Beautiful book explaining the 8-limbed path in a more manageable, easier to understand read.​

  • Yoga Anatomy, 2nd edition - Leslie Kaminoff



What you get


28.000 DKK

Single bed in a shared room

Same sex room

5.000 non-refundable deposit required to secure place

(Save by paying a full, one-time payment, reduced at 27.000)


34.000 DKK 


Double bed in a private room

5.000 non-refundable deposit required to secure place

(Save by paying a full, one-time payment, reduced at 33.000)

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