Rikke Louise Steenberg
Describe your classes in 3 words
Rediscover, reconnect, relax
What is Yin yoga to you?
Yin to me is like the butterfly effect, a little gentle stillness in one part of your life can have a dramatic positive impact on another part of your life.
What is your story with Yoga?
Yoga helped me through a very difficult time in my life. It taught me how to breathe, mentally and physically, it revealed answers to questions I needed an answer to, it introduced me to some amazing people who inspired me to take a step forward, dive deeper, so I decided to become a yoga teacher to share with others how yoga can impact your life.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
“Tag aldrig sorgerne på forskud, så risikererndu bare at få dem to gange” - which in English means something along the lines of “Don’t worry in advance, that way you risk having to worry twice.

What influences your teaching?
I love to go a little ‘hippie-dippy-world-peace’ in my teaching, it makes sense, it makes you smile, it makes you melt a bit deeper in to your pose, it helps you connect, it gives a warm feeling in your stomach, and it makes you smile to strangers passing you by in the street when you re-enter the world outside the yoga studio.
Tell us 3 things about yourself
I have three dogs and two cats, I practice Aikido and play the cello
What is your favourite food?
Veggie burgers!
What does your perfect Sunday look like?
My perfect Sunday involves a long walk with my dogs, yoga, running, brunch with my boyfriend, knitting, cooking, reading the paper, a little Billie Holiday and definitely some sort of tv.